Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure in North Vancouver, but most patients are not even aware of why wisdom teeth removal is necessary. Now,  here is an informative guide on wisdom teeth to answer any questions you may have.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, typically show up in people between the ages of 16 to 25 years old. In the past, wisdom teeth were useful for our diet of harder foods and meats. Nowadays, with softer diets and orthodontic treatment, wisdom teeth are left with little room to erupt.

Some people are unaffected by wisdom teeth, while others experience painful situations that require immediate removal. It’s a good idea to ask a dentist at Lonsdale Dental Centre for more information on your wisdom teeth development.

Why are wisdom teeth extracted?

Wisdom teeth removal is necessary because:

  • They are trapped below the gum line, due to lack of space
  • An infection has developed from plaque and bacteria
  • The teeth are erupting at an abnormal position
  • The wisdom tooth has lacked proper oral hygiene care

How are wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth removal is typically pain-free due to oral or IV sedation. The procedure will begin by:

  • Numbing the wisdom teeth and tissues in the mouth with a local anesthetic
  • Tissue and bone covering the tooth is removed
  • The tooth is loosened from any connecting tissue in the socket
  • The wisdom tooth is removed with dental forceps

After the procedure, dental stitches are typically utilized to aid in the healing process. There is likely to be swelling or bruising, but a cold compress and medication should aid in a faster recovery.

For more information on wisdom teeth removal in Vancouver, or to book an appointment, contact Lonsdale Dental today.